
Call Augusta Exterminating


There are 3 types of termites.  However, in Virginia, the one we deal with is the Subterranean termite, a very aggressive species.

This termite does need the soil to survive. They will seek out areas of moisture to maintain their colony’s survival and growth.

We offer a free inspection and treatment plan. Call us today!

Our work is 100% guaranteed.


Do New Home Builders Protect Against Termites?

There are only a few states that require the pretreatment of soil to prevent subterranean termites.

It’s the mortgage lender that will require this, especially if you live in an area that is termite-prone. Augusta Exterminating does offer pre-construction real estate treatment.

Mortgage lenders also require a termite inspection before the home can be sold to the new owners. Augusta Exterminating also does real estate termite inspections.


Worker termites live from 1-2 years. However, a queen termite can live for decades!

termite infestation
Termite Damage

In nature, termites break down rotten, diseased, wood and cellulose. A very useful purpose until they decide to invade your home!

Termite droppings—Also called frass, it resembles sawdust or coffee grounds, but they have a hexagonal shape. The color of frass varies with the type of wood the termites are eating.

You’ll also find termite waste in mounds or trails. If you see a mound of pellets, they could be coming from a tiny hole nearby, which is used to eliminate the pellets from the termite colony.

Swarms—If you see swarmers around stumps, mulch, firewood, or other locations, you may have a termite problem.

It’s not a guarantee of an infestation unless you see the creatures leaving the foundation of your home, the walls or porches, then it’s likely you do have an active termite infestation.

5 Signs of Termites

We offer a free inspection and treatment plan. Call us today!

Our work is 100% guaranteed.


Why Do Termites Come into My Home?

Social creatures, like ants, termites have specificroles. There are worker termites, soldiers, reproductive termites, and queens. When the colony matures, it releases both male and females called “swarmers.”

Swarmers seek out new places to build a colony. Once they do, they shed their wings and get right to work forming a new place to breed.

Depending on the species of termite and the geographic location, swarming season begins in late spring through fall.

real estate home construction

termites, Staunton

Termites, Staunton VA

How Do Termites Spread?

We Can Help!

Mud tubes—About the diameter of a pencil, mud tubes are constructed of dirt tubes extending over floor joists, support piers, walls, and foundation members.

These tubes are used for worker termites, which travel from underground colonies to their feeding ground, in this case, your home. If there’s sunken space behind wall coverings, or if a wall has a rippled appearance, that’s strong evidence of a termite pathway.

Damaged or hollowed wood—If the wood has been hollowed by termites, it will have a honeycomb interior and a hollow sound. Unfortunately, a smooth exterior conceals the evidence. You’ll have to tap the wood to find these feeding areas.

Wood flooring blisters—Dark areas or blistering in your wood floors could be a sign that termites are feeding in the wood or below it.

Termite Swarmer

termite pest control, Staunton, VA

Annually, termites cause literally billions of dollars in damages.

There are estimates as high as $5 billion. Early detection is key to reducing the cost of eliminating termites.

When To Call Augusta Exterminating To Eliminate Termites

How To Kill Termites Naturally

How Can I Prevent Termite Damage?

  • Use a cardboard trap
  • Expose the termite-infested area to sunlight
  • Eliminate moisture
  • Use worms called parasitic nematodes that feed on termites
  • Essential oils like orange oil will kill termites on contact
  • Borax powder
  • Cold and heat treatments​

The above methods get rid of existing termites, but they don’t necessarily eliminate the colonies where the eggs are produced.

If you find that you’re not making progress with natural termite killing methods, call us.            

We’ve had years of experience getting rid of pests like termites.

What’s more, Augusta Exterminating uses safe, effective methods for pest control. And that means it’s safe for your family and pets!

Drywood termites like to locate a crack or crevice in the wood of your home. They will then dig out a nest and seal themselves inside, immediately reproducing.

Within 2 years, their numbers can grow to cause serious wood damage. It’s difficult to prevent 
drywood termite infestations because they can enter your home anywhere, on any floor.

You’ll need regular maintenance to keep the exterior wood in good condition, as well as treatment from the pros at Augusta Exterminating.


To prevent termite infestation, keep a 6”-12” line between mulch, soil, and the wood parts of your house. Keep foliage at least 3’ feet away. When watering your yard, turn lawn sprinklers away from the foundation of the house.

Also keep direct downspouts away from your house and don’t buy home lumber unless it’s been treated to keep termites away.

Other proactive measures are listed above under, “Why Do Termites Come Into My Home?”

  • Foundation cracks
  • Brick mortar cracks
  • Holes in concrete blocks
  • Water that may pool around your foundation
  • Cracks around plumbing
  • Inside hollow block walls
  • The side of foundation walls and piers


We also offer a free inspection and treatment plan. Call us today! 540-886-0004
Our work is 100% guaranteed!

Believe it or not, termites have a purpose in nature.

It’s only when they decide to move from the great outdoors to the great indoors that they are a problem and termite pest control is necessary.

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Termites, like all other pests, are seeking food, water, shelter, and warmth.

They also like high levels of humidity and easy access to sources of water. If your home has both of these conditions, they will enter your home.

How? Termites will find wood building materials that form puddles near the foundation. They will also seek out air conditioning units with water run-off. These are ideal conditions for forming termite colonies.

What’s worse, termites can squeeze through cracks that are only 1/32” wide. That’s no wider than the average business card!

Flying termite or "swarmer."

Subterranean termites, which live underground, build mud tubes to enter your home. They can enter through: